New vulnerabilities are discovered at an astonishing rate. Threat Actors analyze these vulnerabilities to determine if exploit code is available or can be developed. With this exploit code, the launch pad is ready to attack susceptible targets. Organisations that do not continually scan for and repair vulnerabilities face a growing risk of being the next compromised victim. The number one threat to infrastructures today is known vulnerabilities.
Web applications in particular have become a popular attack vector for these threat actors, with more breaches occurring as the result of vulnerabilities within online applications.
Common oversights include:
External and Internal security testing can be conducted providing a clear view of the environment’s security posture as it appears from outside the security perimeter from the internal network. This kind of testing can reveal vulnerabilities that could be exploited, and demonstrates the potential damage these types of attacker could cause. In order to ensure systems are protected against the latest risks and attacks, organizations need to utilize skilled experts to secure their infrastructure and applications.
IntoTransec offers these services to help mitigating the risk of security breaches:
InfoTransec’s professional team can perform an in depth assessment of your equipment, software, and processes throughout your entire Information Technology system. This complete and thorough assessments of all Internet based and internal systems ensures total coverage and allows you to understand the vulnerabilities at every level.